Bro. Lutwin died! : + Bro. Lutwin Dollwet, SVD
+ Brother Lutwin Dollwet, SVD
1937 - 201437 55 57 63 ** 14
Vivat Deus Unus et Trinus
in Cordibus Nostris
Pie in Domino defunctus est
Bro. Lutwin Dollwet, SVD
Born: 25th April 1937 in Merzig in Germany
First vows: 8th September 1957 in St Wendel, Germany
Final vows: 1963 in Nsawam, Ghana
In the mission: 24th April 1961 goes to Ghana
Missionary work in Ghana: 1961 - 2006 (45 years!)
Missionary work in Botswana: 2006 - 2014
Died: 17th November 2014 in Hospital in Germany

Bro. Lutwin died!

by SVD Botswana Province on 11/17/14

With great sadness I would like to inform you that today, in the morning, 17th November 2014, Bro. Lutwin passed away in St. Joseph Catholic Hospital in Troisdorf in Germany. Let us pray for his soul and celebrate his long life of missionary service in Ghana and in Botswana (more than 50 years!).

It is a big blow for our Botswana Province since we lost our professional and dedicated provincial treasurer. The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Please, use this blog for your condolences, share your memories of Lutwin, share your prayers with us. Thank you. You can send other information to my e-mail:

The information on the funeral will be given later and it will be published on this page as well. Please, inform other people who knew Bro. Lutwin about this page.

In Love of the Word,

Fr. Mareko Marciniak, svd, provincial superior - Botswana Province

Comments (26)

1. Mareko said on 11/17/14 - 03:09PM
Bro. Lutwin was diagnosed with colon-cancer some months ago. The doctor told him that he must have an operation immediately. He decided to go to Germany on the 8th September. The operation weakened him very much. His voice became frail and he was tired. Last few weeks he developed kidney problems and pneumonia. He lost the battle with cancer. He left his responsibilities in hurry, there was no time for a proper hand-over. Just before he left, he told me that he is ready for whatever Loving God planned for him. He struggled to accept the seriousness of his condition and the prospects of sudden departure, letting everything go... We will miss him very much, we will miss his professional work, miss his community spirit and missionary zeal. He was 77 - a very special number in the Jewish-Christian tradition, reminding of God's covenant with us, of His great Love, of His forgiveness and mercy, and faithfulness. Dear Lutwin - rest in peace.
2. Biju said on 11/17/14 - 03:28PM
Dear Marek and all the confreres in Botswana Province, Confreres from Zambia are indeed sad to receive the news of the passing on of our dear Bro Lutwin. We were in prayer with him in his sick bed. We were informed some time back that he is serious. I know it is a hard time from you all. In his old age and fragile health he managed his responsibility of the Bursar of the province for so many years. We thank him for that. May his soul rest in eternal peace. We promise to celebrate mass for our confrere in our communities. We do keep you all in our prayers, that the Lord may give you necessary support and direction at this tough time. With memories of Bro Lutwin Confreres from Zambia Mission Biju
3. Joseph Vadakkan said on 11/17/14 - 04:50PM
Sad to hear the news of the passing on of our dear Brother Lutwin, very loving and hardworking person with full of funny stories, You are dearly missed brother May you rest in Peace
4. Sr.Maria SSpS said on 11/17/14 - 05:33PM
Sorry to hear about Br. Lutwin going "home". I will miss him very much and his ever ready help. May he enjoy to be in God's presence and pray for us!
5. Sr. justina said on 11/17/14 - 05:58PM
Yes, you are our Bro. Lutwin, happy memory of our last evening when I learned that you were going I went to see you with Sr. Grace
6. Louis Mathew SVD said on 11/17/14 - 06:18PM
It was with sadness i recieved the news of passing away of Bro. Lutwin. With his passing on we have lost a dedicated and loving confrere. Bro. Lutwin loved the mission and lived his life with missionary spirit. It was nice to be in his company, keeping you informed with news from all over and stories from his life expereince.He enjoyed driving long distances and today I pray for a safe trip home. May the Lord grant him eternal rest.
7. Sr Debra said on 11/17/14 - 09:52PM
It is with sadness and shock that i read the news of the passing away of Br. Lutwin. I am really shocked and at a loss. My condolences to my dear SVD brothers, may the soul of Br. Lutwin rest in peace. Yes he was a hard working and very kind person. Will be sadly missed. Lutwin RIP
8. Joe Baptist - Ultimate Solutions said on 11/18/14 - 05:27AM
Dear Rev. Fr. Mareko, We are very sorry to hear this sad news and would like to convey our deepest sympathies to all his beloved family, Divine Word Missionaries home and friends. May the Lord bless his soul and grant him everlasting peace. We shall all miss his kindness and love.
9. Shiju Paul said on 11/18/14 - 07:41AM
Yesterday i was informed by someone from Ghana that Bro. Lutwin is no more. it was a month ago the last time he emailed me from Germany. he wrote about his willingness to face whatever the way of the Lord wants.having lived and worked with Bro. Lutwin all that i can say is this: he valued community life, which is also a challenge for many of us who believe time spent in community is time stolen from one's work and ministry. for me it was both a challenge and blessing to live with him,as it was for him; we shared a lot when we traveled together, he enjoyed his coco cola and ice cream, also any food cooked differently from the usual have sung your unique song,carried out the special act of love and brought your own unique message; thank you for the song, your love and your message; may your flame live on. Rest in Peace!
10. George Angmore said on 11/18/14 - 09:14AM
Dear Fr. Mareko, Our condolences to your province, and indeed AFRAM for the demise of Bro. Lutwin. May his soul rest in peace. We are one with you in this mourning – remembering his life shared with us here in Ghana too. May the good Lord grant his soul eternal rest in His eternal kingdom. Fraternally, George Angmor (Provincial)
11. Sr. Marita Kurian said on 11/18/14 - 02:07PM
Dear Fr. Marek and all our SVD brothers Our sincere condolences for the passing away of Br. Lutwin. I just heard it today since I had no chance to open the email for some days. Br. Lutwin was always very generous with his time and helpful in many ways. We really miss him. A brother who really loved his Society and helped others in an unassuming way... May His soul rest in Peace. May God grant him his well deserved reward .
12. Franz Pilz SVD said on 11/18/14 - 04:42PM
Already in Ghana I got to know and esteem Br. Lutwin. Later I admired that he was ready to leave beloved Ghana and start anew in Botswana. The last four years we had been in regular contact; communication with him was always easy and without problems. He informed me that he had to go for an operation. I could not imagine that God would call him so soon to his final journey. May he reward him all the good he did in God's Kingdom. R.I.P.
13. Fr. J. Resch said on 11/18/14 - 05:40PM
Dear Fr. Marek, This morning I received the sad news, that our dear Bro Lutwin Dollwet passed away. I would like to express my sympathy to you and to the BOT Province. It is a big loss for your province and for all, who knew him. I first got to know him in Ghana 1969. He always had a helping hand and an open heart, if one needed his help. May the Good Lord be his reward and grant him life eternal. United in prayer for Bro. Lutwin, Fraternally Yours, Fr. J. Resch
14. Fr. Emil Sungey said on 11/18/14 - 08:23PM
What a sad news. Bro. Lutwin, we are already missing your wisdom and especially your deep-gentle-calm voice. May your soul rest in eternal peace Brother Lutwin SVD.
15. Romek -Zambia said on 11/18/14 - 09:07PM
Dear Mareco Thank you for the Gift of Br. Lutwin, keep strong in the Lord, may his soul rest in peace
16. Frances Boston,o.s.u. said on 11/19/14 - 04:02AM
sorry to learn of the death of Br.Luwin. Truly a man of God who was deeply committed to his Religious life and a person who took his responsibilities seriously. For me an inspiration! May he rest in peace!
17. Samba Nyirenda, Francistown said on 11/19/14 - 07:00AM
Miss you Lutwin, thank you for your love and service. Thank you for your dedication. Rest with your Higher Power.
18. Olcan Seoromeng said on 11/19/14 - 08:15AM
It was a shocking news for me when I heard about the death of Bro. Lutwin Dolwet. Bro. Lutwin was a loving Daddy to us here at Mater Spei College. I have learnt a lot from Him as I was working closely to him performing secretarial duties to Him as our School Manager. I have learnt to listen attentively because of his deep and calm voice, I will miss that Voice. May his rest in eternal peace.
19. Fr. Anthony Rebello, svd said on 11/20/14 - 08:49AM
I am shocked at the sad news of Bro. Lutwin. He succumbed to his illness too soon. Well, it was a joy to meet Bro. Lutwin. In fact by the end of August 2014, Bro Lutwin was in Gaborone. He invited our Gaborone SVD team for supper. He has done it as often as he came to Gaborone. He was a community minded person. We enjoyed the meal and had a jolly good time with his jokes as usual. He told us that he had come for a check-up at Bokamoso Hospital in Gaborone. Sr.Paulina and I were very happy to have accompanied Bro. Lutwin at the said Hospital almost the whole day. The doctor requested him to have the operation within a month, as it was a serious operation. Bro. Lutwin agreed with a smile but knew that the operation will restore his health. He was ready to come back to Botswana. His heart was in Africa. And to Africa he wanted to return. I thank God that I was able to speak to Bro. Lutwin when he was in hospital in Germany at our SVD House. He sounded very weak.
20. Fr. Anthony Rebello, svd - continuation said on 11/20/14 - 08:50AM
We were good friends. He had a very sensitive heart for the people infected and affected by HIV, the less privileged and the orphans. He found friends in Germany to help our Pabalelong Hospice right from its inception. Just before leaving for Germany in September 2014 he gave a donation for the Hospice. He was a very kind, loving and hard working, community minded person. He tried to help any confrere in need from the missions. Lutwin we will be missing you. But we believe you are with us in spirit. Lutwin, you have fought a good fight and I believe you are with the Angels and Saints in Heaven. I pray that one day we shall meet in Heaven. My hearty condolences to your sisters and relatives and pray that the Holy Spirit may comfort them. Bye Lutwin, till we meet again!
21. Lenwah Daniel, Ghana said on 11/20/14 - 02:17PM
"Greater love has no one than to lay down his life for his friends" Jn. 15:13. Bro. Lutwin was a friend who cared for people irrespective of their condition. He offered me love when all the odds were against me. Thank you. May God be merciful to you and may you rest in the PEACE of the RISEN LORD! AMEN. GOD BLESS.
22. From a souvenir prepared in St. Wendel said on 11/20/14 - 08:18PM
Translation: God, our Father; Through your Son You promised those who search for your Kingdom an everlasting happiness. Trusting your Word we pray for Bro. Lutwin Dollwet: He offered his life in the service of the Divine Word. Welcome him into the joy of his Lord, in the Kingdom of peace and love that he on this world was preparing and that you want to give to all. Through Christ our Lord. Amen
23. Yosep Pai said on 11/21/14 - 07:09AM
I was a profoundly shocked by Biju’s SMS saying that Bro. Ludwin passed on. I knew that he was sick and flew to Germany but didn’t expect that he would be gone. My condolence, may his soul rest in peace. Thanks Ludwin for your great example for us “young generation”. Your dignity and compassion will never been forgotten in our journey home. Rest in peace Bro… till we meet again. I was a profoundly shocked by Biju’s SMS saying that Bro. Ludwin passed on. I knew that he was sick and flew to Germany but didn’t expect that he would be gone. My condolence, may his soul rest in peace. Thanks Ludwin for your great example for us “young generation”. Your dignity and compassion will never been forgotten in our journey home. Rest in peace Bro… till we meet again.
24. Malebogo Oathotse said on 11/21/14 - 05:18PM
A man of varlour! Bro. Lutwin was a dad, mentor and advisor. He was so loving and caring. He pioneered the wireless internet connectivity in Mater Spei. We used to seat down and discuss ideas on improving internet connectivity. May the soul of Br. Lutwin rest in eternal peace.
25. Sr. Frances O.S.U. said on 11/22/14 - 05:47AM
Marek, many thanks for your message last week informing us of the untimely daeth of Br. Lutwin. It was indeed a shock. Thanks also for the beautiful page you set out about Br.'s life and the photos plus the place to leave a message. Well done! I suppose by now Br. has been buried. I always found Br. an upright person and committed religious. Please extend my Sympathy to all the SVD's.
26. Sr. Juanilda, SSpS said on 11/23/14 - 11:33AM
Please convey my condolence to the SVDs in Botswana. I was shocked when I got an email from Sr. Ewa about his death. We were together in Mater Spei College for some years. During my Golden Jubilee Celebrations he took pictures and made a CD compilation. We will pray for that the loving and merciful nLord will accept him into his heavenly home. May he rest in peace! With my prayers, Sr. Juanilda, SSpS

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Provincial Treasurer  of the Botswana Province of the SVD
Manager of the Mater Spei College in Francistown
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Memorial Mass for Bro. Lutwin Dollwet, SVD
Friday, 21st November 2014 - time: 7:30 a.m.
Our Lady of the Desert Cathedral in Francistown